Develop Serious Data Analytics Chops with Advanced Software

In earlier posts, we’ve reviewed how users can use the latest data discovery and exploration software to get business insight without a PhD. Now, we get to the heart of the matter—analytics. Although there’s plenty to talk about, we’ll concentrate on two important benefits: faster time to decisions and improved business responsiveness.

Simplicity and Ease of Use Deliver Faster Results

Data analytics has evolved into visual data analytics, the combination of high-speed, high-volume analysis with sophisticated visualization capabilities. Tableau products use intelligent analytics software to build charts, graphs, interactive maps and other kinds of data visualizations that customers find easy to read and understand.

Tableau software is designed for business users with no technical or IT training. With it, users can set up, analyze and visualize data by dragging and dropping it into the application. The software does the rest. The system can even suggest the most useful visualizations by analyzing available data.

Tableau Desktop capabilities enable users to cut the time, effort and training needed to get from raw data to useful business insight.

    • Flexible work options. Tableau users typically want to connect to data sources and get answers quickly. Tableau software provides options that speed up the analysis process. The in-memory data option speeds processing when databases are otherwise too slow for interactive analytics. And if you have a fast database, a live connection avoids a slowdown by eliminating the need to move data onto your machine.
    • Self-reliant analysis. A simple easy-to-understand interface helps users answer business questions on their own without relying on others. Many types of analysis are drag-and-drop or single-click operations. This ease of use results in increased user confidence and productivity. Tableau users report productivity of more than 10 times that of other reporting and analytics solutions.

Tableau users spend much less time trudging through and interpreting vast arrays of spreadsheets and learning complicated query techniques. As a result, they have more time to mine data and refine their questions until they get just the right answer.

Predictive and Real-time Analytics Make Businesses More Agile

High-speed, high-volume analysis of Big Data is impressive. But responding quickly and accurately to changes in the business environment is crucial to staying competitive. TIBCO Spotfire® Analytics addresses this requirement by offering business users advanced predictive and real-time analytics.

    • Predictive analytics. Learning from past experience to make better decisions in the present is now a standard best practice. And embedding predictive capabilities in business analytics software is now considered state of the art.
      The Spotfire Analytics platform provides point-and-click menu options, with which business users can perform regression, clustering and classification tasks. It’s just the thing to help folks to apply advanced data analytics without statistical programming skills.
    • Event-driven analytics. Keeping information up to date assures business users that they are not basing decisions on yesterday’s information. Spotfire Event Analytics enables users to respond to complex events discovered in high-volume data and message flows. Spotfire makes it possible to monitor and analyze sensor readings, event log data, EDI format messages and more.

Spotfire blends static data with event-driven information that’s constantly updated. With standard Spotfire point-and-click methods, business users can set up a continuous stream of real-time, event- driven analysis. Periodic or continuous updates of system or external data can make data analysis an ongoing part of your business processes.

Next Time: How to work wonders with data visualization methods and software.

Chris has experience working in the domestic and international finance sector, distribution and supply chain management, energy, pharmaceutical and sports industries. Some of his sample Client Dashboards are for logistics and high-volume manufacturing companies – where he has utilized multiple data sources (SQL, Excel & internal systems) and built Spotfire reports as a replacement of current tabular system.

Chris Dugas

Senior Analytics Consultant