Spotfire has an extremely good customization capability. Almost every single functionality in Spotfire can be extended to meet the complex organizational reporting, analytical and scientific requirements in place today. This article will outline a few examples to showcase the power and capability of extending Spotfire by integrating external JavaScript libraries like D3, HighCharts, Google Charts etc.
JSViz – Advanced JavaScript Visualization Framework.
JSViz is a simple and creative extension for Spotfire that allows users to create their own charts using any of the available JavaScript libraries.
Click here for more information on some of the top JavaScript charting libraries.
Click here for more information on JSViz from Tibco Community.
Case Studies
Following are few examples where JSViz was utilized to deliver some very successful solutions:
Gauge Charts:
Also called as dial or speedometer charts used primarily to display percentages or key business indicator against a maximum value. The chart also displays multiple threshold ranges in different customizable color combinations like – Green, Orange and Red.
Multi-Gauge Chart: A variation of gauge chart that displays multiple needles and essentially acts like two gauge charts in one. The variation was implemented by customizing the regular high charts JavaScript library. The multi-gauge chart in this case study is used to display the current (black needle) as well as the previous (grey needle) key business indicator values.
Multi-Scale Logarithmic Chart: A non-linear scale chart that is used to display very large as well as small values together in a single view. The chart plots values using a multi-scale log axis and has the ability to switch to a linear scale view. This chart was implemented using the D3 library and carries many other interesting features.
Hierarchy Chart: Implemented using the GitHub OrgChart open source library, this is one of the most robust Hierarchy Charts available for use. The chart is fully customizable and is very useful in displaying organizational reporting hierarchy.
Stay tuned – we will continue the series with our next post which will dive deeper into the JSViz component and the steps required to install / configure JSViz in Spotfire along with the JavaScript integration aspects.