Financial Complainers – Tableau Data Viz of The Day

At Syntelli, along with celebrating the success of our customers, we love to celebrate our data wizards!

Check out the data visualization below, created by our  Tableau expert, Matt Winter.

This visualization was also selected as the data Viz of the Day by Tableau Public (a major recognition in the community) on October 19, 2015.

About the data viz: Using the government’s open database on consumer financial complaints, Matt created a visualization which shows the recent history of financial complaints, what services are most complained about, the complaint trends, and where these “complainers” are coming from nation-wide.


About the Author

Matthew leverages Business Intelligence tools with his background in Educational Measurement to empower businesses to make data-driven decisions. Recently, his work has been focused in the banking industry analyzing, interpreting, visualizing, and presenting workforce data from over 8,000 employee assessments. Matthew received a B.A. in Chinese language and literature from California State University Los Angeles, an M.A. in Chinese language pedagogy from Indiana University, and an Ed.M. in Applied Linguistics, Second Language Assessment tract, from Columbia University, Teachers College. Matthew is certified as a Desktop 9 Qualified Associate in Tableau.

Matthew Winter

Data Scientist