We live in a time where it’s not only important to have access to qualified data – the representation of that data is equally important. Data visualization has become a critical element of the current COVID-19 pandemic. It’s been used as the main tool for spreading trustworthy information around the globe.
Data visualization is a presentation of data in a graphical or pictorial format.
It conveys information easier and it simplifies the process of understanding the data for regular users, or in the case of COVID-19, the general population.
One great example of using data visualization in the last months is from Johns Hopkins University’s Center for Systems Science and Engineering. The excellent team from the University created a map, one-of-a-kind so far – it maps the total number of cases, the cases per country, the death, and other data. It gives users an instant ability to visualize the effect of the pandemic and with it, to get a more comprehensive understanding of the data presented.
HealthMap is another accurate representation of the importance of data visualization for this virus. The map shows the timeline of the virus from the starting point in January, per country.
These examples are helping the general public to stay informed with real-life data. The maps are done by using one simple method: Information Visualization Mantra. It’s the way data is presented to the user, by this order:
- Overview,
- Zoom and filter and
- Details on demand.
This method gives users countless options for finding out data for a specific region, state, or even a city – a data that can be used for scientific purposes.
But how did this happen in the first place, and more importantly why?
Data is not something new – we’ve been using it since forever.
The key difference right now is in the world we’re currently living in. The COVID-19 pandemic motivated scientists, developers, university professors to think outside of the box and find out new, understandable ways to present data for the general public.
Dr. Steven Drucker, a University professor and Research Manager at Microsoft Research thinks that not once before the data visualization has been so present in everyday life.
Different mediums have found an original way to present data visualization.
For example, The New York Times has an entire map built on the site, that shows the cases per country with different graphics, updated daily. The Washington Post presented a simulation about the spreading of the virus among people, something that should be an eye-opener for everyone who sees it.
The revolutionized use of data we’re currently witnessing can only expand as time passes. Businesses that won’t be able to keep up with the latest trends will lose this race.
We at Syntelli Solutions can help you with that – we know the impact data can make. With our services, you can leverage your current data and use your data for creating something valuable.