Implementing Open-Source Statistical & Machine Learning Solutions

[WEBINAR] Wednesday, Aug 28th 12:00PM – 1:00PM EDT

In this webinar, you’ll learn about:

  • The less-spoken capability of machine learning
  • How and where customizable open-source solutions can improve the process of decision making
  • CSX’s approach to build forecasting solutions, starting from commercial, out-of-the-box solutions to in-house, open-source statistical and Machine Learning solutions

[SPEAKER] Kiomars “Q” Nassiri – Data Scientist at CSX | LinkedIn

As a member of the Data Science and Operations Research group at CSX, Kiomars is responsible for improving CSX’s fact-based decision-making process by providing business with actionable insights through conducting end-to-end Machine Learning modeling and analysis on CSX’s rich and diverse data sources.