Inception & Commitment

[WEBINAR] Wednesday, Oct 2nd 12:00PM – 1:00PM EDT

Healthcare organizations face many challenges these days such as lower reimbursement dollars, stricter regulatory compliance requirements, talent shortage and higher wages while their customers demand quicker access to Healthcare and a better customer experience. This webinar will explore how Artificial Intelligence can be an enabler to solve some of the Healthcare industry’s most important challenges and how Healthcare leaders can navigate the AI journey.

Are you preparing for the Healthcare AI journey?

If so, how would you start preparing for it?

What “icebergs” lie ahead?

In this webinar, you’ll learn how to:

  • Understand the challenges Healthcare organizations face to get AI ready
  • Formulate strategies to overcome these challenges
  • Evaluate the benefits that can be realized from AI
  • Assess where your organization is in the AI journey

[WEBINAR] Wednesday, Oct 2nd 12:00PM – 1:00PM EDT

Ruben is a healthcare IT executive with 17 years of experience working in various IT operations, management, and leadership roles with successful healthcare technology start-ups such as Emageon and Awarix, as well as global companies such as McKesson, Change Healthcare, and Becton & Dickinson. In his current role with Syntelli Solutions as a healthcare analytics & AI consultant, he engages with healthcare executives to identify, evaluate, and develop business intelligence (BI), clinical decision support, and data analytics solutions that will bring the most value out of their data to match their business strategies and drive optimal outcomes. Prior to this role, he developed data and analytical platforms and products as a program manager for global medical device company Becton & Dickinson and as senior product manager for McKesson and Change Healthcare. He holds a Bachelors of Science Cum Laude in Management Information Systems, completed his Master of Engineering in Information Sciences in 2012, and received his Executive Masters of Science degree in Healthcare administration in 2015 all from the University of Alabama at Birmingham. He is an active member of HIMSS and has served on American College Health of Healthcare Executives Forum the past five years and currently serves as director of Engagement and Membership.