Improve Data Consistency, Accuracy, Reliability & Compliance

Syntelli’s Master Data Management (MDM) service is a comprehensive method of managing data that enables a company to link all of its critical data into a single data set; it effectively creates one common point of reference, or a “single version of the truth,” for the entire enterprise.

In the absence of an enterprise MDM solution, enterprises face these challenges:

  • Poor business adoption and confidence of ERP, CRM, SCM, DW and BI implementations
  • Data consolidation across multiple disparate systems and data sources
  • Runaway costs due to data quality issues and process inefficiencies
  • Regulatory pressures due to Reconciliation challenges, Consumer privacy laws and SOX compliance

Effective Master Data Management solutions allow businesses to better leverage their data to save money, build confidence in their customer base, gain efficiencies across the enterprise, and improve their overall business intelligence and decision making.

Possibly the single most important gain from the use of MDM tools, after data integrity and accuracy, is the improved collaboration and operational efficiency that results from aligning internal and external groups, and the organization and operational data they use. If done correctly, data sharing between systems, personnel, and departments becomes seamless and streamlined.

MDM Benefits





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