Spark Framework for Big Data Analysis

Spark Framework for Big Data Analysis on Pseudo Distributed Clusters – White Paper
Many ”big data” applications have been designed which track statistics about page views in real time, train a machine learning model and automatically detect anomalies. But these applications often require different set of tools like Map-Reduce on Hadoop (MR), Hive, Hadoop Streaming, Weka and Mahout to create models and classifiers.

This white paper talks about streaming data operated on various layers of the Spark stack, such as Spark Streaming, Spark SQL, Spark Machine Learning libraries (MLlib).

Did you know? Approximately 30 to 50 million companies use Google Analytics to track their website’s metrics and traffic. But the question is, how many of these companies are truly using Google Analytics to its full potential?

Google Analytics on its own can be compared to a self-driving car that only uses information from the rear-view mirror. But alongside Machine Learning, data can be interpreted to make business decisions and ensure a smooth ride.

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