Value of Big Data In the Oilfield

When most people hear “big data,” they think “big money.” And they’re right. There are big costs associated with switching to a distributed data analytics system, especially in the oilfield. It’s not unusual for operators to collect and mine data from new discoveries made by geoscientists with historical data collected during drilling of past wells. They process and scan logs and scout tickets to gather data before they hit the paper shredder. In one case, more than 2 million documents of drilling information were processed in a single week of data discovery.

Did you know? Approximately 30 to 50 million companies use Google Analytics to track their website’s metrics and traffic. But the question is, how many of these companies are truly using Google Analytics to its full potential?

Google Analytics on its own can be compared to a self-driving car that only uses information from the rear-view mirror. But alongside Machine Learning, data can be interpreted to make business decisions and ensure a smooth ride.

Read more about the value of big data analytics for your oil & gas organization.

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