Spotfire Advisory Services
Work with Highly Experienced Sportfire Consultants.
Syntelli’s Spotfire-certified experts, enable you to quickly access and visualize your data anytime, anywhere! Our business intelligence and data analytics solutions help customers extract meaningful insights from their data.

Why Upgrade to Spotfire 11.4?
Tibco officially ended support for all version of Spotfire 7
- No hotfixes and service packs
- Can no longer open support cases
Tibco officially ended support (hotfixes and service packs) for versions 10.0 through 10.9
- Version 10.10 is still supported
- Version 10.3 can still open support cases.
Take advantage of the new features and functionality in version 11.4
- Re-imagined User Experience
- AI Driven Insights and Natural Language Query
- Automatic Workflows and Streaming data visualizations
- New data connections to Snowflake, MongoDB, LiveApps and Google Big Query
- Enhanced server administration capabilities
- Native support for Python data functions
Why Syntelli
- TIBCO preferred partner since 2012
- Successful track record of implementing Tibco Spotfire solutions for over 30+ customers
- Spotfire Certified Professionals
- Strong experience in Spotfire Architecture, Data modeling, Upgrade/Install, Administration, Analytics and Training
- Strong experience in Spotfire infrastructure setup considering the HA, FT and DA aspects along with SSO using – Custom Authenticator, NTLM, KERBEROS etc.
- Specialty in creating Spotfire customized solutions using JavaScript, advanced JSViz framework with D3, High Charts etc.
Why Upgrade to Spotfire 11.4?
Initial assessment of current Spotfire environment including number of users, licenses, workloads, connected data sources and files, license review for upgrade
Propose recommended Architecture and sizing of the Spotfire environment
- Install and configure Spotfire 11 on dedicated servers (Database, Application Server, Node Manager Server)
- Establish connectivity with source systems/source files
- Configure Spotfire Web Player and Automation Services (if installed) for users
Migrate & Validate
- Migrate existing Spotfire Library and workflows
- Test and validate the installation by opening few key applications mutually identified by Client and Syntelli teams to ensure that application workflows, scripts, custom visualizations, etc. are not broken by the upgrade
User training
Train users on Spotfire 11 new functionalities and changes includes documentation, one 4-hour virtual training session.
Post-Upgrade Support
Opt-in for a Post-Upgrade Support to help your team with any Spotfire related issues or clarifications
You can choose from either a one-time bundle of hours or can choose a continued ongoing support model
In both models you will get to work with our team of highly experienced Spotfire Consultants