Healthcare organizations face an array of challenges regarding customer communication and retention. Customer intelligence can be a game-changer for small and large organizations due to its ability to understand customer needs and preferences. When it comes to data, more is not necessarily better, and organizations must carefully craft their data analytics strategies to make the most of […]
Healthcare, indeed, is a complex domain to unravel but it is not impossible. Over time, clinics and hospitals have gathered different technologies to solve different aspects of clinical or medical problems. Now that analytics is the norm of running a more impactful business, the challenge of working with disintegrated applications with unstructured data is more […]
We can say that there is a plethora of text data generated every day. People are using many social media apps, messaging apps, and blogs on a day-to-day basis. All these applications are generating a large amount of unstructured text data. According to the 6th edition of DOMO report: Now, you can imagine how much text […]
Data governance is a hot topic in every industry. As architectures grow over time, with tools and data marts being added, it can feel like your reporting is further from the source you are working to audit. Master Data Management (MDM) tools are a great way to accelerate a Data Governance initiative. But, tools only get you […]
Healthcare, indeed, is a complex domain to unravel but it is not impossible. Over time, clinics and hospitals have gathered different technologies to solve different aspects of clinical or medical problems. Now that analytics is the norm of running a more impactful business, the challenge of working with disintegrated applications with unstructured data is more […]
Data analytics for healthcare is growing in importance rapidly as we near the end of 2019. Shifting payment models are creating pressure for providers to deliver better care at a lower cost while meeting stringent standards for patient privacy and combatting fraud and abuse. It’s no wonder that data analytics and fraud analytics for the healthcare […]
Earlier this month, Gartner published their annual Top 10 Data and Analytics Trends. Of course, non-technology trends are excluded by definition from the tech list. Yet the use of soft skills—data literacy, storytelling, and data ethics—came up throughout the blog post. While predictive modeling captures the imagination and the headlines, more often than not, soft skills […]
In this tutorial, you will learn the basics of data ingestion using Hortonworks Hadoop with Sqoop and Flume. Apache Sqoop was designed to transfer data between Hadoop and relational database servers, such as MySQL, and Oracle to Hadoop HDFS. Apache Flume is a distributed service for aggregating and moving huge amounts of streaming data into HDFS. This knowledge […]